About Us
InteractiveMathTutor.com was formed in the summer of 1999 with the mission of providing high quality math tutoring services to all ages of individuals in all levels of math. We pride ourselves on providing tutoring services customized to the needs of the individual student. We believe that each individual student possesses a different personality and mental process in which they can most effectively learn math. We attempt to see math through their eyes and break down math concepts to the simplest root in which they will most easily understand it. Although we have grown steadily in the past three years and foresee prolonged future development, we will always maintain our persona of caring for each and every individual student.
InteractiveMathTutor.com was created and developed by the president of the company, Howard M. Heller. Mr. Heller was a University Scholar at New York University, in which he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the Stern School of Business, majoring in Math. Several years later, he attended Georgia State University, earning an MBA in Finance. The education he acquired and his work experience contributed greatly to understanding the necessary intricacies of business development and growth in the new Dot.com Era. For those who have had the opportunity to become acquainted with Mr. Heller during the existence of InteractiveMathTutor.com, they have quickly learned that he symbolizes and embodies everything the company represents; caring, passion, and compassion for helping people learn.
InteractiveMathTutor.com will continue to develop and grow in the future. We are an aggressive company, always searching for new services to provide our clients, and new markets to penetrate with our services. The staple of the company has and always will be math-based tutoring services. In conjunction with math, we provide high level tutoring in the areas of finance, economics, marketing and other applied math business subjects. In the coming years, we will be further executing our business plan of penetrating new markets and developing valuable services within those and existing markets.
InteractiveMathTutor.com is solely in business to help people learn. And we are extremely proud of that. We are steadily building a reputation of being synonymous with math tutoring services. InteractiveMathTutor.com was built by a few but is slowly becoming the dominant force in the educational arena of the Internet World.
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